Technischer Bericht NTB 84-02

NAGRADATACode-Schlüssel Geologie

This reference manual provides users of the NAGRADATA system with comprehensive keys to the coding/decoding of geological and technical information to be stored in or retrieved from the databank.

Emphasis has been placed on input data coding. When data is retrieved the translation into plain language of stored coded information is done automatically by computer.

Three keys each, list the complete set of currently defined codes for the NAGRADATA system, namely codes with appropriate definitions, arranged:

  1. according to subject matter (thematically)
  2. the codes listed alphabetically and
  3. the definitions listed alphabetically

Additional explanation is provided for the proper application of the codes and the logic behind the creation of new codes to be used within the NAGRADATA system.

NAGRADATA makes use of codes instead of plain language for data storage; this offers the following advantages:

– speed of data processing, mainly data retreaval,

– economies of storage memory requirements,

– the standardisation of terminology.

The nature of this thesaurian type "key to codes" makes it impossible to either establish a final form or to cover the entire spectrum of requirements.

Therefore, this first issue of codes to NAGRADATA must be considered to represent the current state of progress of a living system and future editions will be issued in a loose leave ringbook system which can be updated by an organised (updating) service.