Technischer Bericht NTB 84-09

Anwendungsbereite Zementrezepturen zur Verfestigung schwach- und mittelaktiver Abfälle aus Kernkraftwerken

The R&D program for solidification of low and medium level wastes from Swiss power plants is carried out at EIR (Swiss Federal Institute for Reactor Research) under contract to Nagra (National Cooperative for the Storage of Radioactive Waste).

Up to now, 7 practicable recipes for these waste types have been developed for use. With these recipes the main quantities of all possible reactor radwastes arising from operating Swiss power plants can be solidified with cements.

The solidified matrixes then produced fulfill the conditions required by the Swiss regulatory authorities. As a first barrier, they contribute to a safe final storage of these wastes in geological formations in Switzerland.

For new waste types arising, for "special wastes", and for the wastes from power stations not yet commissioned, the R&D work is going on. Future results will probably allow further improvement of the recipes and processes already developed.