Technical Report NTB 88-35
Rock sealingLarge scale field test and accessory investigations
The experience from the pilot field test and the basic knowledge extracted from the lab experiments has formed the basis of the planning of a Large Scale Field Test. The intention is to find out how the "instrument of rock sealing" can be applied to a number of practical cases, where cutting-off and redirection of groundwater flow in repositories are called for. Five field subtests, which are integrated mutually or with other Stripa projects (3D), are proposed. One of them concerns "near-field" sealing, i.e. sealing of tunnel floors hosting deposition holes, while two involve sealing of "disturbed" rock around tunnels. The fourth concerns sealing of a natural fracture zone in the 3D area, and this latter test has the expected spin-off effect of obtaining additional information on the general flow pattern around the northeastern wing of the 3D cross. The fifth test is an option of sealing structures in the Validation Drift. The longevity of major grout types is focussed on as the most important part of the "Accessory Investigations", and detailed plans have been worked out for that purpose.
It is foreseen that the continuation of the project, as outlined in this report, will yield suitable methods and grouts for effective and long-lasting sealing of rock for use at strategic points in repositories.