Technical Report NTB 82-12
Stripa ProjectAnnual Report 1981
An autonomous OECD/NEA project in the management of nuclear waste storage is currently in progress in the Stripa mine, located in central Sweden. The project is established as a cooperation between Finland, Japan, Sweden, Switzerland and the United States. Canada and France are joining as associate members.
The work is following on from the previous investigations in the Stripa mine under a cooperative agreement between the US Department of Energy (DOE) and the Swedish Nuclear Fuel Supply Company (SKBF) through the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (LBL) of the University of California and the division KBS within SKBF.
The research within the Stripa Project is carried out at approximately 350 meters below the surface in a granitic formation. The project consists essentially of three parts
- hydrogeological and geochemical investigations in boreholes down to a depth of 1'200 meters below the surface
- ion migration tests to study possible radio nuclide transport mechanisms in the rock fissures
- large scale tests of the behaviour of backfill material in deposition holes and tunnels
The technical content of the Stripa Project is described in /1/. KBS has been entrusted the overall management of the project and the organization is described in /2/ and /6/.