Mlr 003 9695

Further Information

Switzerland’s deep geological repository
Deep geological repositories / Swiss Federal Office of Energy
Deep geological repositories / Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate
Combined repository
Standortunabhängiger Vergleich eines Kombilagers mit zwei Einzellagern hinsichtlich Bau- und Betriebsabläufen sowie Umwelt (Nagra Work Report NAB 19-15, in German)
Safety for future generations
Types of radioactive waste / Nagra
Disposal of waste from medicine, industry and research / Swiss Federal Office of Public Health (in German and French)
How long does radioactive waste emit radiation? (in German and French)
Why Switzerland needs a deep geological repository
Swiss Nuclear Energy Act
Final report of the Swiss Expert Group on Disposal Concepts for Radioactive Waste
How the Swiss repository works
Brochure: Radioactive Waste Disposal – Why Choose a Deep Geological Repository? (in German)
Deep Geological Repositories – Safe Disposal of Radioactive Waste / Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate (in German)
Scientific and Technical Basis for the Geological Disposal of Radioactive Wastes / International Atomic Energy Agency
The disposal canister: example of an engineered barrier
Container Material for Radioactive Waste / Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate (in German)
Development of Copper-Coated Canisters for the Disposal of SF and HLW in Switzerland (NTB 20-01)
Canister Design Concepts for Disposal of Spent Fuel and High-Level Waste (NTB 12-06)
The Opalinus Clay: the most important geological barrier
Brochure: Clay Rocks and Their Contribution to Radioactive Waste Disposal
Site selection process
Deep Geological Repositories Sectoral Plan / Swiss Federal Office of Energy
Sectoral Plan process / Canton Zürich (in German)
Sectoral Plan process / Canton Aargau (in German)
Waste Management / Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate
Step by step to the safest site
Deep Geological Repositories Sectoral Plan Stage 1 / Swiss Federal Office of Energy
Deep Geological Repositories Sectoral Plan Stage 2 / Swiss Federal Office of Energy
Results report Stage 2 / Swiss Federal Office of Energy (in German)
Site selection criteria / Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate (in German)
Data basis for decision-making
In detail: Data accumulation over time
Brochure: Deep Boreholes
Commonalities and differences
"Stein" (pocket-sized hardcover book on rocks, available in German)
Geological evolutionary history of Northern Switzerland
Quality of the barrier
In detail: Quality of the geological barrier
Hydrochemie und Isotopenhydrogeologie von Tiefengrundwässern in der Nordschweiz und im angrenzenden Süddeutschland (Nagra Work Report NAB 13-63, in German)
Stability of the barrier
In detail: Erosion
Brochure: Erosion
In detail: Flexibility
Reasoning behind Nagra’s siting proposal
Guideline ENSI-G03 of the Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate
Brochure: Long-term Safety
The surface facility at Haberstal
Vorläufige Planungsstudie (Nagra Work Report NAB 22-05, in German)
Vorschläge zur Konkretisierung der Oberflächeninfrastruktur der geologischen Tiefenlager (Nagra Work Report NAB 19-08, in German)
Module eines geologischen Tiefenlagers (Nagra Work Report NAB 22-35, in German)
Regional participation – an overview / Swiss Federal Office of Energy
Regional Conference Nördlich Lägern (in German)
Encapsulation plants
Zwilag website
Begründung Standortwahl Verpackungsanlagen (Nagra Work Report NAB 22-27, in German)
Vorschläge zur Konkretisierung der Oberflächeninfrastruktur des geologischen Tiefenlagers, Standortspezifische Vorschläge (Nagra Work NAB 19-08, in German)
Verpackungsanlage hochaktiver Abfälle: Vorund Nachteile verschiedener Standortvarianten (Nagra Work Report NAB 20-14, in German)
Regional Conference Jura Ost (in German)
Waste Management Programme 2021 of the Waste Producers (Nagra Technical Report NTB 21-01)
The Nagra Research, Development and Demonstration (RD&D) Plan for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste in Switzerland (Nagra Technical Report NTB 21-02)
RD&D Vision Document Nagra
Research at the Grimsel Test Site
Research at the Mont Terri Rock Laboratory
Research Platform for European Waste Management Organisations (IGD-TP)
European Joint Programme on Radioactive Waste Management (EURAD)
The First Underground Warren for Disposing of Spent Nuclear Fuel / The Economist