Technischer Bericht NTB 86-06

Sondierbohrung WeiachBau- und Umweltaspekte, Bohrtechnik

The exploration weIl at Weiach was realized as the second weIl within the Nagra Deep Drilling Program in Northern Switzerland.

The drilling work was started January 10, 1983. Having reached the final depth of 2482.2 m on November 12, 1983 the test phase was then initiated and completed by April 3, 1985.

The weIl drilled approx. 2000 m of sediments and approx. 500 m of crystalline rock. Oriented cores were taken over the major part of the weIl.

The present report presents the drilling activities, civil construction work related to the site and precautions taken to account for environmental protection aspects.

A chapter dealing with the commission representing members of the federal, cantonal and local authorities and reporting is given at the end of this report.