Technical Report NTB 91-20

Chemical Thermodynamic Database Handling/Conversion Programs for the MINEQL and PHREEQE Codes: USER'S GUIDE

At the heart of any geochemical speciation code is the associated database of thermodynamic constants for all the reactions considered. Unfortunately, different codes generally require different formats for these databases. Exchange and comparison of data between codes is thus very laborious, and is liable to introduce errors when carried out manually. To simplify such conversion, a suite of programs has been developed to exchange databases between the codes PHREEQE and MINEQL.

The ability to change the format of MINEQL databases is also available. This report consists of a User's Manual for these programs; providing a detailed description of program execution and input/output specifications. A separate Programmer's Handbook is available which contains full documentation of the source code.

It should be noted that use of the programs described in this report requires detailed knowledge of the speciation programs MINEQL and PHREEQE and their associated databases.